Russia, Saratov
Brilmics 2013



The Spin Waves Symposium has traditionally been held for more than 50 years every
two-three years in St. Petersburg at Ioffe Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The first organiser of the symposium was prof. Alexander. G. Gurevich - author
of well-known books on the topic of Spin waves.

In 2007, after some break, the Symposium was revived and held again in St. Petersburg.
During the 2007-2018 period, Spin Waves Symposia became a forum for active
international networking, with organising and program committees including leading
researchers from all over the world. Many prominent scientists were attending
the meeting and presented their recent results.

In 2024 we start the next chapter in the Symposium history and expand its geography.
Spin Waves - 2024 will be held in Saratov - the city where the research on spin waves
and their applications is being conducted for several decades.

Traditionally, the symposium discusses the most pressing issues of spin dynamics
- from magnetic resonance spectra in ferro-, ferri- and antiferromagnets
to parametric excitation of spin waves. In the last two decades, such modern trends
in the physics of magnetism as magnonics, spintronics, ultrafast magnetism,
spin excitations in low-dimensional quantum structures and spin fluids
have also been actively discussed.

Links to the websites of previous symposia: